Welcome to The Garden in the Clouds. Perhaps your ears have popped? Maybe you can hear the wind moaning round the corner of the tin barn or see a buzzard or red kite wheeling overhead? Wrap up well please, the weather can change suddenly in the hills.
The Garden in the Clouds is a book. Despite the fluffy-sounding title, it’s a real place: six bracken-invaded acres and some tumble-down stone
walls around a cottage, Tair-Ffynnon, high on the Hatterrall Ridge in the Black Mountains of South Wales
—so high, in fact, that much of the time the place sits in cloud.
Here you can see pictures of our ‘non-existent garden’, as one visitor kindly put it. You can watch film clips of our efforts to lug a 20-tonne railway carriage up the mountain and shake your head pityingly at our various obsessions (snow, wild weather, corrugated iron, old Land-Rovers, wood-chopping) as well as read extracts from the book.
So please – banish low thoughts! Prepare for the high life!
All photographs and text except where otherwise stated © Antony and Verity Woodward. Woodcuts © Fred Van Deelen. 'Britain's highest garden' and 'Buried treasure' © Jasper & Mari Fforde.